Saturday, September 4, 2010
Revenue revolution
FreemiumIf what you’ve got is really great, give it away. No, seriously. Let them have a taste, build a relationship with them, and only then offer an upgraded paid experience. Maybe the free version comes with adverts, or the paid version has extra features that they’ll want once they really start using the service. This model works best where customer acquisition costs are high, but the marginal cost of serving an extra customer is low.
Add-OnsHave you bought an airline ticket lately? If you bought it online, you probably saw some great low prices… prices which had nothing to do with the eventual amount you paid after fees, taxes, surcharges, etc. For a less rancorous example, consider a night out at the movies. Did you know that the theater makes more money from popcorn and sweets than from the ticket price?
Image from Scott Adams, Dilbert
Somali Pirate business model!OK, don’t really consider this for yourself, but even pirates have a system for generating value. Pirates are great at creating a problem and then solving it (ransom, “protection,” etc.). If you’re not meeting an existing need, perhaps you are creating a new one, or pointing out a need that your customers don’t even know they have, until you show up with your parrot and your eye-patch… kidding.
Don’t get stuck getting your business started just because it doesn’t fit neatly into an existing, familiar, business model. The best new businesses out there are innovating in on everything from product and service offerings to pricing structures to customer relationships. If you can imagine it, you can do it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Outline for a Marketing Plan
The exact nature of your business, your marketing strategy, and the uses for your marketing plan dictate its contents. You add detail or take it away to suit your needs. In the real world you’ll want to customize your outline according to whether you are selling products or services, to businesses or consumers, or you’re a nonprofit organization.
Palo Alto Software partnered with marketing guru John Jantsch, creator of the proven Duct Tape Marketing System, in the developement of Marketing Plan Pro v11 powered by Duct Tape Marketing. The software has several outlines to help you tailor your marketing plan.
The 30-Minute Marketing Plan offers just the basics, a very simple plan that you can get done quickly. It is a good way to document your thinking, or just get started. It lets users who are already familiar with the Duct Tape Marketing System briefly summarize the main sections of the marketing action plan.
Click here to see a PDF of a 30 Minute Marketing Plan outline
The Basic Marketing Plan is a modest marketing plan for the people who don’t have the time, or the need for an extremely detailed plan. You can start here, including such topics as internal Marketing Training, drafting your Marketing Materials, and more. You can Switch to the Standard plan later when you need to expand your marketing activities.
Click here to see a PDF of a Basic Marketing Plan outline for the same company.
The Standard Marketing Plan walks you through all the steps of the Duct Tape Marketing System. It includes the most detail, and breaks each task down into smaller steps for you to plan your marketing actions in detail.
Click here to see a PDF of a Standard Marketing Plan outline for the same company.
Article continues below advertisement
The marketing plan examples linked above show how the same company begins its marketing program with a simple action plan and then expands its plan and activities. Note that in each case the idea is to write a plan that serves just the needs of moment. It is an action plan.
Write the plan, take the actions, review the results. Keep what works, change what doesn’t, and expand the plan and the actions as the company grows.
- Click here to see a PDF of a 30 Minute Marketing Plan outline
- Click here to see a PDF of a Basic Marketing Plan outline for the same company.
- Click here to see a PDF of a Standard Marketing Plan outline for the same company.
Tagged as: Duct Tape Marketing, Marketing, marketing plan, Marketing Plan Pro, news, plan outline, strategy, writing a plan
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
RSS Hustle and Flow

At some point in your life, you are going to come up with a good idea. A really good idea. One of those “Million Dollar” ideas.
From the moment you think of this really great idea, you’re going to obsess over it. Ponder it. Adjust it. Hone it. And as you do, you’ll get more and more excited about how it’s going to revolutionize how the world looks at everything. It’s going to make the invention of sliced bread a mere footnote in the history books of inventions.
You’re really, really jazzed about this idea!!
To you, this idea is priceless. Its value defies measurability. Someone, somewhere is going to pay you millions and millions for this idea.
You’re sure. You’re positive. It’s going to happen.
Here’s the problem. An idea, rarely, makes money. Joe from has got the formula right. Your great idea is still great, but unless you put in the work required to make it a great business… it will always be just a great idea.
And nothing more.
‘Chelle Parmele
Social Media Marketing Manager
Palo Alto Software
Friday, July 30, 2010
Software Sales Business Plan
Corporate Software Sales
Executive Summary
This business plan outlines the strategy for sales of enterprise software planning solutions to medium-sized companies and franchises. Corporate Software Sales (CSS) will act as the direct sales arm of a software manufacturing firm based in Oregon. We expect a high degree of profitability based on our plan to key in on businesses that have already expressed the need for such services and products to the software manufacturer. Our management expertise in dealing with corporate decision makers and our partner's reputation will be the cornerstone of our success.
1.1 Objectives
- Market a business planning software package to corporate managers and achieve $60K in commission fees in year one.
- Customize the software to the individual needs of each client.
- Provide training and follow-up service to each client.
1.2 Mission
The employees of CSS recognize that information is vital for management and presenting that information in an efficient and easily understood framework is crucial. Also, not every business manager requires similar tools; what works for a service based company might be useless for a manufacturer. That's why we market an already proven third-party software planning tool which we will customize to the client's individual needs. Although we recognize the intimate relationship between profitability and quality products, we know that our success is ultimately dependent on the well-being of our employees.
1.3 Keys to Success
The success of our company is dependent on our ability to:
- Anticipate clients needs.
- Adapt software solutions to these needs.
- Identify industries/corporations that need planning tools.
Computer Hardware Reseller Business Plan
AMT Computers
Executive Summary
By focusing on its strengths, its key customers, and the underlying values they need, American Management Technology will increase sales to more than $9 million in three years, while improving the gross margin on sales and cash management and working capital.
This business plan leads the way. It renews our vision and strategic focus: adding value to our target market segments, the small business and high-end home office users, in our local market. It also provides the step-by-step plan for improving our sales, gross margin, and profitability. In order to implement these changes and improve profitability, we plan to borrow another $100,000 long-term this year. The amount seems in-line with the balance sheet capabilities.
AMT is built on the assumption that the management of information technology for business is like legal advice, accounting, graphic arts, and other bodies of knowledge, in that it is not inherently a do-it-yourself prospect. Smart business people who aren't computer hobbyists need to find quality vendors of reliable hardware, software, service, and support. They need to use these quality vendors as they use their other professional service suppliers, as trusted allies. AMT seeks to fulfill these needs and become the leader in business information technology for its region.
AMT provides both computer products and services to make them useful to small businesses. We are especially focused on providing network systems and services to small and medium business. The systems include both PC-based LAN systems and minicomputer server-based systems. Our services include design and installation of network systems, training, and support.
In order to accomplish our objectives, our keys to success over the next three years are:
- Differentiate from box-pushing, price-oriented businesses by offering and delivering service and support--and charging for it.
- Increase gross margin to more than 30%.
- Increase our non-hardware sales to 20% of the total sales by the third year.
AMT was founded as a consulting-oriented value added reseller (VAR), became a reseller to fill the market need for personal computers, and is emphasizing service and support to differentiate itself from price-oriented competitors.
We have one location--a 7,000 square foot store in a suburban shopping center located conveniently close to the downtown area. It includes a training area, service department, offices, and showroom area.
AMT is a privately-held C corporation owned in majority by its founder and president, Ralph Jones. There are six part owners, including four investors and two past employees. The firm includes 21 employees, under the president and four managers. Our main management divisions are sales, marketing, service, and administration. The service department handles service requests, support, training, and development. At present, we are weakest in the area of technical capabilities to manage the database marketing programs and upgraded service and support, particularly with cross-platform networks. We also need to find a training manager.
Recent changes in the computer reseller market have adversely affected AMT. These include margin squeezes, longer collection periods, and lower inventory turnovers. All of these concerns are part of the general trend affecting computer resellers. The margin squeeze is happening throughout the computer industry worldwide.
The only way we can hope to differentiate well is to define the vision of the company to be an information technology ally to our clients. We will not be able to compete in any effective way with the chains using boxes or products as appliances. We need to offer a real alliance that includes such intangibles as confidence, reliability, and knowing that somebody will be there to answer questions and help at the important times.
Our support services, with which we hope to capture market share will include such services as; training, upgrade offers, installation services, network configuration services, etc. The company will seek to aggressively pursue new opportunities.
AMT focuses on local markets, small business and home office, with special focus on the high-end home office and the 5-20 unit small business office.
The last study we saw published has retail sales growing at 5% per year, while Web sales and direct sales are growing at 25% or 30%.
There are several different kinds of computer retailers within the industry including:
- Computer dealers: often focused on a few main brands of hardware, usually offering only a minimum of software, and variable amounts of service and support. Their service and support is not usually very good and their prices are usually higher than the larger stores.
- Chain stores and computer superstores: usually offer decent walk-in service, with very aggressive pricing, and little support.
- Mail order: offer aggressive pricing of boxed product. For the purely price-driven buyer, who buys boxes and expects no service, these are very good options.
None of these direct competitors provides the customization and service that small businesses such as our clients truly need.
Small business buyers are accustomed to buying from vendors who visit their offices. They expect the copy machine vendors, office products vendors, and office furniture vendors, as well as the local graphic artists, freelance writers, or whomever, to visit their office to make their sales. Many small companies turn immediately to the superstores (office equipment, office supplies, and electronics) and mail order to look for the best price, without realizing that there is a better option for them at only a little bit more.
We need to effectively compete against the idea that businesses should buy computers as plug-in appliances that don't need ongoing service, support, and training. Our focus group sessions indicated that our target home office markets think about price but would buy based on quality service if the offering were properly presented. They think about price because that's all they ever see. We have very good indications that many would rather pay 10-20% more for a relationship with a long-term vendor providing back-up and quality service and support; they end up in the box-pusher channels because they aren't aware of the alternatives.
We currently depend on newspaper advertising as our main way to reach new buyers. As we change strategies, however, we need to change the way we promote ourselves. We will be refocusing on our core message of service through radio, cable TV, sales brochures, direct mailers and newspapers. We need to sell the company, not the product. We sell AMT, not Apple, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, or Compaq, or any of our software brand names.
The Yearly Total Sales chart summarizes our ambitious sales forecast. We expect sales to increase from $5.3 million last year to more than $6 million next year and to more than $9 million in the last year of this plan.
1.1 Objectives
- Sales increasing to more than $9 million by the third year.
- Bring gross margin back up to above 30%, and maintain that level.
- Sell $1.5 million of service, support, and training by 1998.
- Improve inventory turnover to 6 turns by 1998.
1.2 Keys to Success
- Differentiate from box-pushing, price-oriented businesses by offering and delivering service and support -- and charging for it.
- Increase gross margin to more than 30%.
- Increase our non-hardware sales to 20% of the total sales by the third year.
1.3 Mission
AMT is built on the assumption that the management of information technology for business is like legal advice, accounting, graphic arts, and other bodies of knowledge, in that it is not inherently a do-it-yourself prospect. Smart business people who aren't computer hobbyists need to find quality vendors of reliable hardware, software, service, and support. They need to use these quality vendors as they use their other professional service suppliers, as trusted allies.
AMT is such a vendor. It serves its clients as a trusted ally, providing them with the loyalty of a business partner and the economics of an outside vendor. We make sure that our clients have what they need to run their businesses as well as possible, with maximum efficiency and reliability. Many of our information applications are mission critical, so we give our clients the assurance that we will be there when they need us.
Computer Consulting Business Plan
Calico Computer Consulting
Executive Summary
Calico Computer Consulting is in the process of being formed as a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Doug Burham. This plan is written as a guide for starting and managing this new business and will also serve as the basis for a separate, detailed marketing plan. Following is a summary of the main points of this plan.
- The objectives of CCC are to generate a profit, grow at a challenging and manageable rate, and to be a good citizen.
- The mission of CCC is to provide fast and reliable technical assistance to small office computer users.
- The keys to success for CCC are marketing and networking, responsiveness and quality, and generating repeat customers.
- The initial primary service offered will be hourly technical aid, although retainer contracts and projects will be considered in the future growth.
- The local market for this business, while not new, is wide open for new and expanding consulting firms.
- An initial financial analysis of the viability of this venture shows outstanding promise and results. Several sources note that the computer consulting business is easy to start, requires little up-front capital, and has the potential to be quite lucrative in today's high tech world.
In conclusion, as shown in the highlights chart below, this plan projects rapid growth and high net profits over the next three years. Implementing this plan, in conjunction with a comprehensive and detailed marketing plan, will ensure that Calico Computer Consulting rapidly becomes a profitable venture for the owner.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives of this business plan are:
- To provide a written guide for starting and managing this computer consulting business; a strategic framework for developing a comprehensive tactical marketing plan.
- The intended audience is the owner of this business only; this plan is not intended to obtain financing from outside sources.
- The scope of this plan is to provide detailed monthly projections for the current plan year, and yearly summaries for the following two years.
The objectives of Calico Computer Consulting are:
- Profit - To generate sufficient profit to finance future growth and to provide the resources needed to achieve the other objectives of the company and its owner. (Net profit of at least 45% of sales in first year).
- Growth - To grow the business at a rate that is both challenging and manageable, leading the market with innovation and adaptability. (Grow from 24 billable hours/week at end of Year 1 to 35 hours/week in Year 3).
- Citizenship - To be an intellectual and social asset to the community and environment. (Contribute 5 hours per week as volunteer, contribute 5% of pretax profits to charity).
1.2 Mission
Calico Computer Consulting's mission is simple and straightforward:
- Purpose - CCC exists to provide fast, reliable technical assistance to local business/small office/home office computer users. CCC sells solutions & results!
- Vision - By providing fast response, informed expertise, and consistently high quality solutions, CCC generates enough satisfied repeat customers to provide a stable retainer base. This generates sufficient profit to provide a comfortable living for the owner.
- Mission - The short term objective is to start this company quickly and inexpensively, with a minimum of debt. The long term objective is to grow the company into a stable and profitable entity that the owner can easily and comfortably manage.
- Marketing Slogan - "Calico Computer Consulting is your computer paramedic..."
1.3 Keys to Success
The keys to success for Calico Computer Consulting are:
- Marketing and Networking (getting the name out there -TOMA).
- Responsiveness (being an on-call computer paramedic with fast response time).
- Quality (getting the job done right the first time, offering 100% guarantee).
- Relationships (developing loyal repeat customers - retainers).
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Motorcycle Shop Business Plan
Recycled Riding Dreams

Executive Summary
Recycled Riding Dreams will offer quality used motorcycles and motorcycle parts to a growing market of motorcycling hobbyists. For the beginner, Recycled Riding Dreams offers excellent value in a first bike that will not bust the customer's budget. For the experienced biker, quality used parts will cut the cost of repairs and modifications by 50% to 75%.
Over the past ten years, biking has developed an entirely new customer base among baby boomer men, ages 40 to 65. Last year, motorcycle sales for this age group was twice that of young men, ages 18 to 25. In Montclair, motorcycle sales exceeded $6 million in 2000 and sales are predicted to grow by 15% this year.
Montclair is a city of 650,000 residents with an average income of $28,000. The city has seven motorcycle organizations and sponsors an annual cycling event as part of the city's spring celebration.
Brian Jefferson, owner of Recycled Riding Dreams is one of most respected and best known motorcyclist in Montclair. Brian is the president of the largest motorcycle organization in the city with over 800 members. Last year, Brian lead the motorcycle parade during the city's spring celebration.
Brian's connection with the motorcycling community and the growing demand for quality used motorcycles and motorcycle parts will make Recycled Riding Dreams one of the most popular shops in the city.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives of Recycled Riding Dreams are:
- Capture the majority of the used motorcycle business in the Montclair.
- Offer our customers a superior service, at a low price.
1.2 Mission
The mission of Recycled Riding Dreams is to become the primary resource for used motorcycle parts in Montclair.
1.3 Keys to Success
The keys to success for Recycled Riding Dreams are:
- Customer referrals.
- Exceeding the customer's expectation for quality, timeliness and price.
Freight Brokerage Business Plan
Silicon Freight Brokers
Executive Summary
Silicon Freight Brokers (SFB) is a specialized freight broker service located in Hood River, OR. The company has been set up as an Oregon C Corporation by the owner, Steve Tookarefol. SFB's objective is to become the premier silicon chip freight broker, increasing their client base by 20% a year.
Freight Brokers and Silicon Chips
The freight broker industry is the middle man of the shipping industry. They are also known as third party transportation providers. Freight brokers provide a service by linking customers with shippers and trucking companies. Their service is indispensable when moving goods throughout this country as there are literally hundreds of different shippers offering thousands of different services. The freight brokers make the process of securing a shipper quite easy with one-stop shopping.
The silicon chip industry is a growing industry that to a large degree has fueled the incredible growth of the late 90's Internet boom. Silicon chips are the basis of all types of computers as well as hand held devices such as cell phones, PDAs, even watches and some household appliances.
SFB will be occupying a niche within the general freight brokerage market by specializing in the shipment of silicon chips. Silicon chips are very specific, unusual cargo that requires special attention. The chips have a very narrow range of temperature and humidity parameters that must be maintained. In addition to these unusual requirements, there are other specific needs that silicon chip companies have. By specializing on silicon chips as their only cargo, SFB will quickly gain market share and be known as the premier broker for chips.
The industry of chips is comprised of two distinct customers, manufacturers of chips and purchasers of chips. The manufacturers are based in the USA, however some of them produce in the States while others farm out production overseas and them import them. The chip purchasers are primarily Intel, IBM, and Motorola.
SFB is led by a seasoned management team of Steve and Wendy Tookarefol. Steve has over 10 years of freight experience, working for several different companies. This work experience has been instrumental in allowing Steve to accurately determine the market need and meet it. SFB has coupled Steve's in-depth trucking/ freight brokerage knowledge and insight with his wife's expertise in the silicon chip industry. For the last seven years Wendy has been an industry consultant, working quite close with companies such as Intel.
SFB's solid business model is forecasted to reach profitability by month six. SFB will achieve market penetration by remaining laser focused on their market niche, while fully utilizing their strong management team.
1.1 Objectives
Silicon Freight Brokers objectives from the first three years of operation include:
- To create a service-based company whose #1 ambition is to continually exceed the customer's expectations.
- The utilization of Silicon Freight Brokers in at least four of the top 10 silicon chip producers, as listed in Silicon Industry Journal.
- To increase our number of served clients by 20% per year through superior performance and word of mouth referrals.
- To develop a sustainable, profitable, start-up business.
1.2 Mission
The Silicon Freight Brokers' mission is to provide the customer with the most satisfying shipping experience that they have ever experienced. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.
Convenience Store Gas Station Business Plan
Allensburg's Food and Gas
Executive Summary
Allensburg is a small town with a population 3,400. Located on rural Highway 310, the town is 30 miles south of the city of Kent and 34 miles north of the city of Willard. Highway 310 connects Kent and Willard that both have universities and a cumulative population of 200,000 residents. The highway is the main road through town and is used daily by thousands of commuters between the two cities. These commuters sustain a number of road side businesses on Highway 310 that sell flowers, produce and bakery products.
In order to get gas in the Allensburg area, commuters currently have to leave the highway and drive three miles into the edge of town. Robert Cole, the owner of Allensburg's Food and Gas has the opportunity to rent a plot of land just off the Allensburg exit of Highway 310.
Allensburg's Food and Gas will offer these commuters gas, organic produce, and a deli. On the way to work, a commuter could stop for gas and pick up a sandwich. On the way home, the same commuter could stop again to pick up something for dinner.
The aim of this plan is to be a guide for this start-up business. Researching and defining our markets, strategies, mission and financials will provide insight and prepare the owner to successfully run Allensburg's Food and Gas.
1.1 Objectives
- To capture an increasing share of the commuter traffic passing through Allensburg.
- To offer our customers superior products, at an affordable price.
- To provide customer service that is second to none.
1.2 Mission
The mission of Allensburg's Food and Gas is to offer commuters on Highway 310 competitive gas prices and great food. The company will make a healthy profit for its owners and provide a rewarding work environment for its employees.
1.3 Keys to Success
- Good quality products at competitive prices.
- Excellent customer service that will promote customer loyalty.
- A location that will assure that commuters will stop.
Nonprofit Trade Association Business Plan
CMBA - Connecticut Motorsports Business Association
Executive Summary
The Connecticut Motorsports Business Association is a nonprofit trade association of motorsports businesses in Connecticut and other interested parties. CMBA works to enhance and improve the motorsports business climate in Connecticut by promoting the sport to the general public, protecting the rights of motorsports businesses, and assisting businesses to improve their sales and profits.
The Organization
CMBA was founded in 1974 as the Connecticut Motorcycle Dealers Association. In 1992 the association expanded to allow motorcycle accessory shops full participation in the Association. The name was changed in 1995 to the Connecticut Motorsports Business Association in recognition of the other motorsports products, such as personal watercraft and ski mobiles, that our members sell and service.
Our management team consists of the board of directors and officers of CMBA working closely with the executive director. In addition, a professional lobbyist is employed to keep us appraised of legislative activities and to help us affect desired outcomes. Ultimately the work will be divided among committees and the executive director may need to add staff to the Association management team.
CMBA provides a variety of services to motorsport businesses including the scheduling and coordination of a number of activities and events. These include monthly dinner meetings for information sharing, a spring motorcycle show, the winter conference and seminars, an annual Awards Banquet, and an annual Connecticut SuperRide.
In addition we provide direct services to motorsport businesses that include professional lobbyist services to represent our members with government agencies, communications in the form of a monthly newsletter and regular monthly meetings as well as special bulletins, and group benefits such as coordinating our members' dealings with insurance companies and distributors for rates and discounts.
Among the services planned for the future are: a group insurance medical plan for all members, a group buying plan, bringing the CMBA members onto the Internet for consumer sales and inter-member product distribution, a permanent rider education facility, and the development of a Connecticut Motorsport Park.
The Market
Research shows that the motorcycle industry has been growing for the past seven years. This includes all types of motorcycles. Today's retail sales produce more than 3.5 times the dollars produced in 1983. In addition, Powersports research stated that "56% of motorsports customers turn to their friendly neighborhood dealer for all of their routine service work." This creates a market with tremendous opportunities for small, local businesses if they can get the right tools to take advantage of the possibilities. For the most part, our potential members are very small businesses with limited resources for training and marketing. We can help them improve their earnings and increase the value of their investments with sales and management training and well as marketing information and marketing aids.
There are more than 100 businesses in Connecticut involved with motorsports. In addition, there are potential associate members outside the state, such as manufacturers, distributors, insurance companies, and others who service and sell to our members.
Since CMBA's goal is to bring together all interested parties in the motorsport industry, the company plans to have a broad target market with management focusing on franchised dealers, independent accessory and repair outlets, insurance companies, distributors/manufacturers, and other interested parties.
Financial Considerations
Our main strategy is the growth of membership. A large membership base provides revenue from dues and also positions CMBA as the true representative of the Connecticut motorsports industry.
We want to finance growth solely through cash flow. We recognize that this means we will have to grow more slowly than we might like but that no assessment of members or borrowing is necessary.
Our funding on membership and other services is expected to increase from more than $195,000 the first year to more than $263,000 the third. Net surplus is estimated to rise slowly but steadily over the next three years. Cash flow is expected to remain healthy. We plan to apply any surplus to legislative activities, marketing activities, or hold it for contingencies.
1.1 Objectives
- Fifty members for Year 1 and sixty members for Year 2.
- Net annual income greater than $60,000 to support full-time staff and expenses.
1.2 Mission
The Connecticut Motorsports Business Association is a trade association of motorsports businesses in Connecticut and other interested parties. CMBA works to enhance and improve the motorsports business climate in Connecticut. It is a recognized and respected representative and proponent of the motorsports industry.
1.3 Keys to Success
- Long-standing trade association for Connecticut motorsports businesses... more than 25 years old.
- One of the few state motorsports organizations with a paid executive director/association management firm.
- Connecticut is a small state and allows for convenient member visits and meetings.
Driving School Business Plan
Markam Driving School
Executive Summary
Markam Driving School (MDS) offers a wide range of driver services. It is ultimately the goal of the company to be a one-stop facility for all driver needs, including registration, licensing, etc., but at this time Markam mainly offers private and commercial driver education in the Seattle, WA area. MDS is positioned as a low-cost facility with excellent service.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives over the next three years for Markam Driving School (MDS) are the following:
- Achieve sales revenues of approximately $2.1 million by year three.
- Expand by starting up two more facilities (one in Portland, OR and the other in Tacoma)
- Become the low cost provider of comprehensive driving education services in the Pacific Northwest.
1.2 Mission
The mission of Markam Driving School is to provide high quality, convenient and comprehensive driver education courses at the lowest cost. The most important aspect of driver education is SAFETY. It is the goal of Markam Driving School to have graduates of our programs with the safest driving records of any other competitor in the Pacific Northwest and to exploit that reputation to create greater market share.
1.3 Keys to Success
Markam Driving School stands at a great moment in its history. Having achieved an enviable record of providing the lowest cost drivers education services with comparable quality for the greater Seattle area, the company is ready to expand into the Pacific Northwest region. The firm plans to open two more facilities, one in Portland, OR and the other in Tacoma, WA.
Six years ago, when the company was founded, the owners realized that there was a great untapped opportunity in this industry. No company was providing what the customers truly demanded, high quality driver education at the lowest possible cost. Large companies were charging too much for their services and the local companies were not providing enough programs and services or they were poor quality. The opportunity rested in creating synergy with other organizations that were either buyers or suppliers. by doing so a company could reduce costs, shut out competition, and gain market share. This has been MDS's driving strategy and winning business model since the company began. It's steady growth in a mature market has proven the company's management policy over time. Now the company is ready to expand and the keys to success over the next three years for such an endeavor are as follows:
- Lower costs so that the company's gross margin increases to 66%.
- Appoint a cost control officer for each of the new facilities who is responsible to the president and general manager.
- Institute a comprehensive cost reduction program throughout the company.
- Strengthen and pursue partnerships and strategic alliances with suppliers so as to further reduce costs.
- Aggressively pursue contracts with organizations who need our services such as police departments, high schools and trucking agencies.
Automotive Repair - Sales - Valet Business Plan
Mad Keen Motors
Executive Summary
Mad Keen Motors is a family-owned business located in Backwater Downs, a suburb of London. It has been under the ownership of the Keen family for 35 years and has grown from a single mechanical repair shop to five locations that deal with body and mechanical repairs, vehicle storage and towing, washing and valeting and used car sales.
This plan is an internal document, outlining the effects on the company of adding a website. The Mad Keen Motors website will act as an additional customer service element for all our garages, offering basic advice on car maintenance, information about our services, staff, and location, and regular discount offers for website visitors on featured repairs and maintenance.
Our current phone-based and face-to-face customer service is excellent, but requires that potential customers make active contact with the company to learn about us. Most of our new business comes from referrals from current satisfied customers. We hope to make the referral process easier, by encouraging existing customers to point out our website to their friends, colleagues, neighbours and family members, building familiarity with our company long before they need emergency car care or consider buying another car. The "advice" section will be crucial in establishing customers' trust in our expertise, as will our affiliation with nationally-syndicated car experts.
By helping local customers help themselves, Mad Keen hopes to build trust and relationships with existing and potential customers.
1.1 Mission
Mad Keen Motors provides excellent automotive care and service to all of our customers, whether they need to buy a used car, contract major body work or get a simple wash and wax.
1.2 Keys to Success
The keys to success for the company's website will be:
- Compiling an extensive and thorough listing of questions and answers that will encourage customers to return to the site whenever they have a problem with their cars.
- Providing additional expert advice for answers that customers don't find in the base list of questions in a timely and thorough manner.
- Offering Web-based promotions that will encourage customers to book cars into the garage through the website.
- Communicating the site's existence to the businesses and residents within the local area.
- Getting existing customers to recommend the website to others.
1.3 Objectives
The objectives of the Mad Keen Motors website are:
- To drive traffic from the website to the garage.
- To expand the community of Mad Keen Motors customers.
- To provide customers with a substantial list of questions and answers regarding typical car repairs.
- To allow convenient bookings for service and repairs.
Internet Media Advertising Business Plan
Executive Summary
Truckbay, LLC is a Limited Liability Company organized under the laws of Nebraska and established in October 2002 by co-founders Jim Bell and John Bell. The new fundamental business model for is to become a light equipment listing service on eBay Motors and build a comprehensive network of linked websites that deliver increased sales and exposure. The ultimate goal is to build into the leading classified listing service in the global light equipment market. The best way to achieve this goal is to provide the most views per listing of any service.
Truckbay was founded in October 2002. After an initial five-month software development period, launched in February 2003. Currently, the core business model consists of recurring monthly revenue from a membership fee charged to light duty truck dealers. This membership fee allows access to a private e-community of like dealers who utilize this industry-specific software to buy and sell wholesale equipment online.
In September, 2004, a proposed merger was discussed between Truckbay, Mr. Y and Mr. Z. The purpose of this discussion was to analyze the benefits Truckbay would receive from a consulting arrangement with them. Mr. Y and Mr. Z founded Company X in early 2000. Company X became the most successful listing service for eBay Motors, capturing over 21% of their total automotive listings in their brief history. Company X agreed to sell their company to eBay Corporation in January 2003 returning over 800% return to their original investors. Their success and expertise in eBay Motors and Search Engine technology are ideal compliments as Truckbay turns its focus to this similar business model. Company X has agreed to contribute capital, business and technical consulting, along with a venture capital pool, in exchange for 15% ownership in Truckbay.
Truckbay will focus on four key markets to sell our online classified advertising solutions to:
- Light Truck Dealers
- Fleets
- Financial Institutions
- Individual Owners
Our most important group of customers are Dealer Principals and Sales Managers within the Light Truck organizations. In most cases, the Sales Manager is charged with distributing his substantial advertising budget among the most effective sources of lead generation. While they are open to new sources on the most part, they are looking for immediate return on their investment. Truckbay will generate immediate leads and sales by leveraging eBay Motors' massive marketplace and other multi-channel linked websites.
Financial Considerations
The marketing research and tailored marketing strategy described in this business plan will result in after-tax profits of approximately $549,000 by 2007. We estimate that by 2008, revenues will reflect a 20% market share of the eBay Motors light truck listing market. We are operating on a cash basis, accepting pre-paid listings only.
Truckbay is seeking $475,000 in venture capital for 19% equity ownership of the company. We anticipate an IRR of 109%, with an investor's ending valuation of $1,043,100 in 2007, based on an earnings-based valuation reflecting projections from a similar period in Company X's history. Our exit strategy is to sell Truckbay within 3-5 years to a larger related company (such as ebay).
1.1 Objectives
Truckbay's fundamental objective is to provide a leading, online classified advertising solution that targets the global heavy truck and equipment market. Our key goals include:
- Leverage eBay Motor's marketplace to gain rapid market exposure in this large niche industry.
- Utilize cutting-edge Search Engine technology to drive viewership.
- Provide an affordable, turn-key eDealer suite of online services to garner long term loyalty.
1.2 Mission
Truckbay is a commercial enterprise, and as such, exist for the purpose of generating sales & profits for its investors, owners, managers and staff. Because Truckbay is a service business, it also exists to serve its customers.
- The company will provide the best online advertising solution for the global heavy truck and equipment market.
- The company will partner with proven, experienced consultants and industry leaders.
- Our customers will always receive a valuable service that utilizes the latest in technological advances.
- Our team will consist of high-energy, results-oriented people who are trained to be the best.
- Our team will be offered a workplace where they can prosper & grow in a dignified, fun and rewarding manner.
- Our investors will see a lucrative return on their dollars, and will have the opportunity for future growth and prosperity with the company.
1.3 Keys to Success
We believe that our main keys to success include:
- Utilizing key Search Engine technology to drive traffic
- Leveraging eBay Motors to drive traffic
- Positive team workplace environment
- Seasoned management team
We will minimize certain risk factors by:
- Maintaining a low overhead structure
- Hiring a draw, versus commissioned, Sales Team
- Utilizing successful practices from a proven business model
Sightseeing Bus Tours Business Plan
Double Decker Tours of Washington
Executive Summary
The Company
Double Decker Tours of Washington, LLC (DDTOW), located in the city of Washington, DC is a new sightseeing company in its formative stages. It is being organized to take advantage of a specific gap in the local sightseeing tour market. The gap exists in high quality, reasonably priced sightseeing tours in the nation's capital away from the city center, indicating that a new entrant tour company could be expected to capture a significant portion of the current sightseeing tour market.
The Company's Mission
Double Decker Tours of Washington's mission is to provide safe, reliable and fun sightseeing tours to the visitors of Washington, DC using London-style double-decker buses. Nine of the buses will be open top for sunny warm and beautiful days and three will be closed for cold and inclement weather.
Product and Services
DDTOW will provide daily sightseeing tours and charter services in Washington, DC. We will survey the White House, Capitol Building, Supreme Court, Senate Office Buildings, House Office Buildings, Museums, Library of Congress, etc., as well as Adams Morgan, the U Street Corridor, Catholic University and many other sites that make up the city.
Marketing and Sales Strategy
DDTOW will develop a message that touring with us is fun and we will project that message over the airwaves and in print. We will kick off our message using Comcast Cable System in the Washington area as well as hosting parties for certain tour association decision makers and the media. We plan a pre-opening marketing budget of $80,000. As we profit, we will spend about 1% of gross revenues on advertisement and marketing. We will also distribute survey cards to assess what we are doing right and identify what we are doing wrong.
The Competition
Our main competitors in the Washington sightseeing market are:
- Tourmobile: Tourmobile is based at East Potomac Park and is authorized by the National Park Service to conduct sightseeing tours along the National Mall and in Arlington National Cemetary. Tourmobile uses a shuttle service employing 85-passenger trams along the Mall and 120-passenger trams in Arlington. They have been in business for over 25 years. Tourmobile was started in 1969 as a subsidiary of Universal Studios to provide interpretive services along the National Mall. In 1981 Tom Mack bought the company making Tourmobile, Inc. a locally owned Washington DC company. Tourmobile has over 42 vehicles and serves upwards of 2 million riders annually.
- Historic Tours of America: HTA operates in Washington as the Old Town Trolley and DC Ducks. HTA is a national company with outlets across the country. HTA, like Tourmobile, uses a shuttle system for its passengers and they use 35- to 60-passenger trolleys.
- Grayline: Grayline International is a global company with offices and tours around the world. Grayline contracts out its services to local bus lines and runs multiple tours. Grayline runs the Lil Red Trolley as its service in Washington.
- Zohery Tours: Zohery Tours is a local company that runs 15-passenger vans and 45-passenger coach buses. Zohery tours are about 3 hours in length.
Target Market
In recent Washington Convention and Tourism Corporation figures, it showed that 17.6 million people came to visit Washington, DC, spending over $10 billion dollars; $4 billion of that on sightseeing and tourism related activities. Although overnight leisure travel increased significantly while day-trip volume was down, the good news was that average trip expenditures increased to levels of $480 per day per trip. Many of the trips that were made to the city centered around visiting historical places and museums (36%) and shopping (24%). In leisure travel, 36% of visitors were solo travelers as compared to 80% of business travelers and 23% of leisure travelers came with children as compared to 6% of business travelers. Also many of our visitors to the city have income of over $75K, were married, had no children, were in the 35-54 age group, and had an advanced degree. Visits from foreign tourists fell three years ago by 19% and by 14% two years ago, but over 1 million foreign tourists came to Washington, making it 8th in US destinations by foreign visitors.
Michael Frank Coleman* will serve as member manager. He has extensive experience in the Washington sightseeing industry, working for Tourmobile and conducting walking tours around town. Mr. Coleman has a knack for recognizing opportunities and developing staff members to take advantage of those situations. Mr. Coleman will assemble a staff of experienced tour professionals to oversee operations and market our services.
Paul F. Williams* has over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience in international and private sector business development and will act as DDTOW's business development manager.
*Confidential and proprietary resume data has been omitted from this sample plan.
Tickets sales and boarding of the buses will take place at the MCI Center at 601 F Street in Northwest Washington. This site gives us great foot traffic in the heart of the entertainment district as well as ample parking and public transportation access. The buses will be stored and serviced by Peter Pan Bus Service in Tuxedo, Maryland thereby reducing staff cost and insuring top notch services for our customers. A small office located on Third Street in Northeast Washington will serve as administrative offices.
Our research and projections indicate that the demand for sightseeing tours in and around Washington is sufficient to provide Double Decker Tours of Washington, LLC with revenues of over $14 million dollars in its first full year of operations, utilizing 15 used London-style double-decker tour buses and selected routes throughout the city. These sales figures are based on capturing 453,000 customers out of a potential customer base of 22 million people. Second year revenues are expected to exceed $17 million serving over 500,000 customers with additional advertising and expanded tours. The DDTOW plan has the potential for a more rapid growth due in part to new memorial and other venues that are opening in Washington in the near future. In short, the demands for tours in DDTOW's target market during the coming year will be more than enough to support DDTOW's anticipated market share. These sales levels will produce net profits of $13 million dollars in the first operational year and $15 million in year two. Net profits in year one will be over 60% of sales and will maintain that level in year two. The company's long term plan is part of the due diligence package. The first few months of formative operation will burn cash (see the Start-up table later in this document) until revenue can commence. This is due to the organizational and regulatory obligations of a new tour operator but aggressive marketing and promotion will readily make up for the slow start.
Long-Term Development & Exit Plan
Our tours, along with the use of double-decker buses, that target new routes in the city, and aggressive media exposure will allow us to grow over the next five years into a major player in the region. Our goal is to create a reputation of quality, fun and safety that will make us the leader in the Washington area sightseeing/tour market.
After our service starts, we will keep a close eye on sales and profit. If we are on target at the end of year two, we will look to expand into a new market.
Risk Evaluation
With any new venture, there is risk involved. The success of our project hinges on the strength of acceptance of our new tours and buses. After year one, we expect a lot of competition in the form of the established tour operators banding together against us.
Exit Plan
Ideally, DDTOW would like to expand into the Baltimore, Richmond, Atlanta and Miami markets over the next ten years. At that time, we will entertain the possibility of a buy-out by a larger Sightseeing/Tour operator or seek to sell to a new owner.
Funds Sought and Utilization
DDTOW is seeking financing of $800,000, in the form of a five-year loan. Most of the planned start-up costs are apportioned to the following areas in approximately declining value:
- Purchasing twelve 70-passenger London-style double-decker sightseeing buses, nine of which are open top for beautiful days and nights and three closed top for cold or inclement weather.
- Provisions of a sufficient cash reserve to assure timely payment of operating costs of the buses for the first three months.
- Costs associated with recruiting, training, and paying operational crews.
- Marketing, advertising, and public relations costs, including the cost of setting up a website capable of offering tour information and making online sales and reservations, and related Internet marketing, as well as conventional print and broadcast advertising, and public relations activities.
- Administrative and legal costs incurred in setting up the business and the tour operations.
- A reserve to cover overall operating costs, aside from bus operating costs, over at least the first three months of operations.
The following chart illustrates the highlights of our business plan over the first three years.
1.1 Objectives
Double Decker Tours of Washington will have as it primary objectives the following elements:
- To establish and operate a new tour company aiming specifically at touring the monuments, memorials, museums, and government buildings of the capital city as well as touring the historic neighborhoods away from the city center.
- To implement an organizational and marketing strategy that will, beginning in the first months of operation, achieve an average load per bus of 65-85 percent depending on season and increasing thereafter to 75-100 percent, thereby maximizing revenues and return on investment while reducing risk.
- To achieve revenues of about $14 million by our first full year of tour operations, exceeding $20 million by our third year. Also to expand into newer markets in the Baltimore-Washington corridor.
- To achieve net operating profits of 60-70 percent within the first 12 months of tour operations and steady growth enabling rational expansion of the company thereafter.
- To achieve the following results starting with twelve 70-passenger London-style doubledecker buses obtained through purchase to serve the touring public in Washington and incrementally expanding the fleet as demand grows.
- To gear operations, and present a professional, serious, growth-oriented image from the outset, that will set the stage for a reasoned, planned expansion, mirroring growth rates projected for the first years of operations.
- As an element critical to achieving DDTOW's other key objectives, to identify and develop strategic alliances through the DC Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Washington Board of Trade, the Washington Convention and Tourism Corporation and other Washington associations and tourism groups.
1.2 Keys to Success
In descending order of importance, the five critical keys to success for Double Decker Tours of Washington are:
- Employing an experienced, highly professional management team that combines vision; realism; financial ability; solid knowledge of the Washington tour/sightseeing market; familiarity with, and belief in, the utilization and benefits of the latest computer informational technologies; realization of the crucial importance of an organization personnel to its success; and a total commitment to the overall mission and goals of Double Decker Tours of Washington.
- Intelligent, progressive, and aggressive marketing that identifies the company as a different kind of player, one that is sharper and smarter, with a higher level of professionalism and operational standard than is the norm in the Washington region. Concentration on safety, with highly trained, dedicated, and professional personnel, caring for the customer and the customer's needs and straightforward, understandable fare pricing will form key pillars of the marketing strategy.
- Identification, through careful market research, of unserved or under-served routes in the city that may be of interest to our customers and enable high load factors and profitable operations.
- Use of a fleet of London-style doubledecker buses that offer an unobstructed view of the city from the top deck and offers a high level of comfort, safety, and fuel and operational efficiency.
- Use of information technology to reduce staffing and other operational cost; expand the potential market base; readily capture sales opportunities; and enhance customer convenience and satisfaction.
1.3 Mission
Double Decker Tours of Washington, LLC has a mission to provide safe, professional, reasonably priced sightseeing services to our customers. We intend to fill a niche in the Washington sightseeing market that is unmet at this time, to sites in the city that are not currently shown, as well as highlight the sites that are known to millions of visitors. We will operate and maintain the best fleet of buses available and we will never skimp on safety or customer service. We will always have and promote fun tours so that when the customer leaves us, they will remember the good time they had and recommend us to a friend or relative. We will provide friendly and courteous service from the time we meet to the time they leave.
With a combination of clean buses, friendly and informative and helpful driver guides along with outstanding customer service, DDTOW intends to lead the other companies and make our standards their ambition.
Export Automobile Parts Business Plan
D.A.P. Exports
Executive Summary
D.A.P. Exports is a business that exports automobile parts and auto lubricants to Jamaica and other countries including Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador. Many of the company's shipments combine American-made products with foreign parts with some re-packaging and labeling.
Auto part sales is currently a $100 million industry in Latin America and the Caribbean. In these countries, a majority of the automobiles were manufactured in the 1980's. Finding replacement parts for these autos has become a difficult process as auto makers focus on cars produced in the last ten years.
D.A.P. Exports has established an extensive network of customer contacts in the region. James Dunn, owner of D.A.P Exports, has twenty years of experience selling consumer products in Latin America and the Caribbean. James has been a salesperson for Axiom Food Products, Klymor Manufacturing, and Dudley Food Products.
During those years, James used taxi services in Latin America and the Caribbean. It was during one of those trips that he became aware of the demand for auto parts and auto lubricants. James also discovered the best distribution system for auto products in the region, through the local taxi companies.
D.A.P. Exports will contract with the region's taxi companies to provide auto parts and auto lubricants at wholesale prices. The taxi companies will either use the parts to repair their own vehicles or they will sell the parts to consumers. D.A.P Exports will also sell auto parts to auto part stores in the region.
1.1 Objectives
D.A.P. Exports' objectives are as follows:
- Achieve handsome sales revenues during first year of operation.
- Achieve a customer base of 100 taxi companies in the region.
- Increase sales modestly during the second year of operation.
1.2 Mission
The mission of D.A.P. Exports is to be the auto parts provider of choice with the region's taxi companies.
Airport Shuttle Business Plan
Valley Airporter
Executive Summary
This year Valley Airporter plans to transport over 20,000 passengers. To accommodate those passengers, we plan to purchase three brand new 20-passenger buses to replace older 14-passenger buses.
The new buses are needed because of the expansion of airport service. The schedule has continually expanded over the years from three times a day, Monday through Friday only, to ten trips each weekday and nine trips on Saturday and Sunday, 365 days per year.
Valley Airporter operates out of Corvallis which is home to Oregon State University. Over 18,000 thousand students attend the university. In addition, there are over 120 high-tech businesses in Corvallis. Though there is a small airport in Corvallis and a regional airport in Eugene (50 miles south of Corvallis), most travelers prefer to use the Portland International Airport, which is 70 miles north of Corvallis.
Bob and Mary Wilson, co-owners of Valley Airporter, will invest in the purchase of the new vans. The owners will also secure a long-term commercial loan.
1.1 Mission
The mission of Valley Airporter has been to assure safety, convenience and comfort to every customer.
1.2 Keys to Success
- Valley Airporter's chauffeurs are experienced, professional, commercially certified drivers.
- The office staff is professional, friendly and helpful going above the call of duty for customers.
- Valley Airporter is a caring company that continually donates time and services to community schools and other organizations.
Mopeds Rental Business Plan
University Mopeds
Executive Summary
There is a possibility for an exciting and profitable new business in Eugene, Oregon. University Mopeds will to rent mopeds to University of Oregon students, as well as anyone who would have a need for efficient, around-town transportation. There is currently no business like this, in Eugene, which caters to this market.
For slightly more than the cost of a monthly cellular phone bill, it is possible for a student to have their own mode of transportation during the school year. Mopeds have many positive advantages over cars: lower operating costs, fuel efficiency, and are less costly to maintain. It is also possible to insure these vehicles for around $30-$50 per year.
The target market for this business would be the approximately 15,000 full-time students. There are also thousands of students who are commuting daily from the Autzen Field area. Parking on campus is hard to find, and the bus offers few options. This is where the economical moped comes into play.
Many students do not have the disposable income that it takes to purchase a moped, but they are in a position to pay $50 per month to rent one. University Mopeds would purchase used mopeds for $400-$700 and lease them out. The average moped would be paid off in under one year.
In year one, University Moped would attempt to get 1% of all full-time students. This would equate to 150 mopeds rented. We expect the five year growth rate to be at least 15%.
Assuming an average purchase price of $550, and a ten month rental contract at $50 per month, it is possible for University Mopeds to be profitable in year two.
1.1 Objectives
- Rent 150 units in year one.
- University Mopeds will be fully self-sufficient and profitable by year three.
- Rent at least 199 units by year three and 263 units by year five (15% annual growth rate).
1.2 Mission
University Mopeds will service the student first. At University Mopeds, clients will be able to rent a quality means of transportation at a fair price. University Mopeds will also be a profitable business which will treat employees fairly and provide financially for its owners.
1.3 Keys to Success
- Good customer service and value.
- Affordable rental prices.
- Reaching the target market.
- Integrity in serving our customers; resulting in repeat purchases.
Limousine Taxi Business Plan
San Francisco Limo
Executive Summary
San Francisco Limo is a limousine service serving San Francisco, Burlingame, and San Jose with top quality transportation services using late model limousine sedans. The company has been formed as a California corporation with John Smith and David Jones the sole owners. San Francisco Limo will generate $52,000 in net profit by year three.
The Market
The transportation/limousine in San Francisco is quite competitive. Airport transportation as well weddings, prom nights, and "nights on the town" are quite competitive and margins have eroded. San Francisco Limo will serve these niches to eliminate downtime of the vehicles as well as building a loyal customer base. The true niche of the transportation business that San Francisco Limo will concentrate on is private school student transport, sightseeing trips, and elderly transportation. These niches have higher margins and are less price sensitive. There are 10 private schools in the area with 3,502 students. For the sight seeing market, there are 25 B&Bs and 44 hotels/motels and for the elderly transportation market there are 19 retirement and assisted living facilities in the area. These three markets have 5% growth rates and 2,000; 2,700; and 1,816 potential customers respectively. As mentioned earlier, San Francisco Limo will serve the Burlingame and San Jose in addition to the San Francisco market. While it is common knowledge that there is a large amount of money flowing through the city to a large degree from the boom of the Internet age, Burlingame is also quite affluent. There are 14 surrounding communities for Burlingame, with 3,632 household incomes in excess of $150,000, the precise demographic that uses limousines.
The Business Model
San Francisco Limo will launch the business at a conservative rate. It currently has three sedans. To control costs, the office is home-based and the vehicles are stored in a rented garage. Office space is a premium in this area so the home-based approach will be maintained as long as it is feasible without compromising custom service.
Currently, the industry average for revenue per vehicle is $4,614 with San Francisco Limo only generating $2,500. This figure needs to drastically rise in order for San Francisco Limo to grow and remain profitable. This below market revenue average is a function of a small customer base and participation in competitive niches. Over time both the customer base and penetration in less competitive markets will increase and the revenue per car should grow dramatically.
The Management Team
In order for the company to be successful, the business must fully leverage the experience and insight of their management team of John and David. John is an eight year veteran of the transportation industry. For the first three years John was a limo driver. For the next five years he was elevated to manager of a 12 car limo fleet. It was during this five year tenure that John really learned the majority of his industry knowledge and insight. While David is an equally seasoned manager, his background is in logistics for a shipping company. David has spent nine years at Airborne Express in their logistics department. This experience was instrumental in the development of David's management skills and gave him the necessary confidence to start his own business.
San Francisco Limo will grow at a reasonable pace with both principals working hard doing a little bit of everything. Year one revenue is forecasted to reach $92,000, jumping to $225,000 by year three. Net profits will be $52,000 by year three, 22.94% of sales. Profitability will be reached by month six.
1.1 Objectives
The objective of this business plan is to increase the monthly revenue per vehicle from the present $2,500 to $6,250 by the end of 2001; this number will be 35% better than the statistical national average, $4,614, in the limousine industry for sedans in the Northern California Region.
This will be achieved by:
- Decreasing the company's reliance on competitive airport transfer type business.
- Increase penetration of more lucrative market segments close to the home base.
- While keeping the most profitable part of the CATA contract, find an even more profitable use for that vehicle.
1.2 Mission
The mission of San Francisco Limo is to become the premiere hourly hire sedan service within a 10-mile radius of Burlingame. We hope to serve a repeat clientele who demand--and can afford--reliable, secure service from drivers with detailed knowledge of the area.
1.3 Keys to Success
- Fleet vehicles must be replaced often to eliminate downtime as well as to maintain an image consistent with the company's mission statement.
- Superior telephone skills, stressing quick recognition of the client, are essential in fostering the all important repeat clientele.
- Especially true for limousine companies with small fleets, the most import key to success is finding a repeat clientele willing to hire car and driver for a minimum of two hours. While the airport transfer business is booming and there appears to be enough for everyone, it is important to find segments of the market that complement this business during hours when airport transfers are slow. It will also be beneficial to find market segments that are brand loyal (less price-sensitive) which result in longer fares of a less-hectic nature.
Airport Taxi Business Plan
Premier Airport Transportation Service
Executive Summary
Premier Airport Transportation Service (PATS) is a Cleveland-based airport transportation service. PATS provides limousine like service without the typical high limousine price. Although PATS' cars are not true stretch limousines, they are late model high-end luxury vehicles. Premier Airport Transportation is lead by Sam Brougham, a transportation industry veteran. PATS has forecasted healthy sales by year three.
The Market and Services Offered
Cleveland currently has four limousine service providers and four taxi services. In addition to these transportation options, Cleveland also has short and long-term airport parking and a rapid transit public train system providing airport service. Premier Airport Transportation Service will span the gap between the mediocre taxi service and the high-priced limousine service. By having a middle price point, PATS will be especially attractive to both families and business travelers. The service will appeal to families as a reasonable and convenient alternative to them driving and parking at the airport. Business travelers who require a more deluxe solution relative to taxis but do not have such a debilitating effect on the company's travel budget will embrace Premier Airport Transportation. These two market segments are growing on average at 8.5% per year and there are over a million potential customers.
The Competitive Edge
PATS recognizes that their key to success will be providing unmatched customer service. Premier has infused the importance of customer service into the drivers' jobs by offering financial incentives to the drivers for superior service. This will ensure that the best customer service will be offered at every level and interaction with the company.
Management Team
Premier Airport Transportation Service was founded and is run by Sam Brougham. Sam began his transportation career as a taxi driver, a source of income to put Sam through school. After school, Sam worked at the Yellow Freight Company, initially in the logistics department. Sam then moved on to Yellow's customer service department, ultimately having managerial responsibility over Yellow's customer care call center. Sam's logistics and customer service experience will be essential to the success of PATS. The logistics experience will provide Premier with hyper-efficient operations and the customer service experience will support their competitive edge.
Premier Airport Transportation will fulfill Cleveland's unmet need for a reasonably priced, high service level airport transportation service. PATS will achieve break-even status by month eight and will double sales of year one by year three. While PATS will incur a loss for year one, they will generate a tidy net profit for year three.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives for the first three years of operation include:
- To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customer's expectations.
- To increase customers by 20% per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals.
- To develop a sustainable transportation company serving the Cleveland Metropolitan Area
1.2 Mission
The Mission of Premier Airport Transportation Service is to provide the customer the finest airport transportation service available. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall in to place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.