Passion Soles

Executive Summary
Passion Soles is a women's only shoe store in Tacoma, WA. Tacoma badly needs an upscale shoe store for women because the current stores have an inadequate selection. Currently, women that need a special pair of shoes often must travel up to Seattle to find the right shoes.
Passion Soles will have an unmatched, extensive selection of different shoes. Generally, the size of Passion Soles' selection is cost prohibitive due to all the different sizes that must be stocked per style. Passion Soles has a unique business model that allows them to have an extensive selection at the cost of only stocking one size per style. This is accomplished through a special relationship with the wholesaler so Passion Soles can receive a customer's needed size within two days. Rush overnight shipping is available at additional cost. While some people might not like a store where shoes cannot be tried out before purchasing/ordering, women's fashionable shoes are different. When it comes to trendy, nice looking shoes, aesthetics are prioritized more than fit. This is evidenced by the fact that women wear high heel shoes with narrow, pointy toes. Clearly these shoes are not comfortable, but they look so nice and that is what counts.
Passion Soles will leverage Holly Heels' extensive knowledge of the women's retail shoe industry to quickly gain market share. Profitability will be reached by month ten and $284,000 will be generated in revenue in year three.
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